Marko Kriegel
Experimental Physics
Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen (CENIDE)
Lotharstraße 1-21, 47057 Duisburg (MF 268)
Educational Background
- Master of Science in Physics at University Duisburg-Essen, evaluating the parameter space of 2D hexagonal Boron Nitride on transition metal surfaces
- Bachelor of Science in Physics at University Duisburg-Essen, studying strain-coupled multiferroic composites
Research Interests
Topics: Synthesis of 2D materials on catalytic and non-catalytic substrates, straintronics, structural characterization in electron diffraction and microscopy, creation and characterization of structural defects
Why 2D materials: Most of my colleagues will probably answer this with countless futural applications in various technological fields – and of course this is a part of my motivation as well. But to me the most important aspect is to study fundamental physical processes at the microscopic level. 2D materials are ideal candidates as they can be isolated, enabling excitation and readout without the influence of any substrate. This clearly qualifies them as perfect model systems for thin film and interface phenomena, which in turn will drive innovation and technology.