
Scalable 2D-Materials Architectures (2D-MATURE)

DFG International Research Training Group (IRTG 2803) and
NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE)

Latest News

We are hiring!

You are interested in becoming a PhD or master student of the second cohort in our international research training group on 2D-MATURE? Find more information here.

Second Annual Status Meeting

November 15, 2024|

On November 13th and 14th all our PhD and MASc students came togehter in a hybrid format to present the status of their research work. In their talks they [...]

New Advanced Materials Publication

October 11, 2024|

Disinfection with UV light Graphene significantly increases efficiency It kills germs reliably and without leaving any residue: UV light is used for disinfection in laboratories and surgeries or to [...]

Upcoming: 2D-MATURE Seminar #14

December 10, 2024|

In January we will welcome Professor Thomas Michely from the University of Cologne. Being a professor for experimental physics Thomas Michely is synthesizes nanostructures and 2D materials and investigates their [...]

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