About 2D- MATURE

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So far 2D- MATURE has created 44 blog entries.

Ryan’s Internship at Tesla

To foster intersectoral training our PhD and MASc students seize the opportunity to do optional internships besides the 2D-MATURE qualification program. In this term, MASc student Ryan Zamperoni form Waterloo [...]

2024-06-13T14:51:19+00:00May 31, 2024|

2D-MATURE Seminar #11

Our last seminar on May 2nd, 2024, was all about "Vodka, Diamonds, and Graphene". Our invited guest was Albert Dato, who is currently a professor at Harvey Mudd College, where [...]

2024-09-27T08:56:15+00:00May 3, 2024|

MRS Spring Meeting 2024

The 2024 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit was held April 22-26, 2024 in Seattle, Washington, and we are so proud of all our 2D-MATURE members, who got their work accepted [...]

2024-05-03T07:50:00+00:00April 29, 2024|

2D-MATURE Seminar #10

It was an honor to have Professor Jonathan Coleman from the Trinity College Dublin as a speaker for the seminar. Professor Coleman is currently the Erasmus Smith's Professor of Natural [...]

2024-09-27T08:55:23+00:00April 12, 2024|

New ACS Omega Publication

Al-Basheer, W., Viernes, C., Cheng, M., Zheng, R., Netzke, S., Pichugin, K. and Sciaini, G., 2024. Determining the Out-of-Plane Longitudinal Sound Speed in GeS by Broadband Time-Domain Brillouin Scattering, ACS [...]

2024-05-31T14:45:59+00:00March 13, 2024|

New Materials Horizons Publication

Kumar, A., Intonti, K., Viscardi, L., Durante, O., Pelella, A., Kharsah, O., Sleziona, S., Giubileo, F., Martucciello, N., Ciambelli, P., Schleberger, M. and Di Bartolomeo, A., 2024. Memory effect and [...]

2024-05-31T14:57:14+00:00March 5, 2024|

2D-MATURE Seminar #9

The second speaker from our own ranks is Professor Aiping Yu, who is currently a chemical engineering professor at the University of Waterloo. With her research she has already made [...]

2024-09-27T08:58:45+00:00March 1, 2024|

Meet Ornel José Padilla Estrada

Since science communication is crucial in today’s research environment, the Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen regularly organizes Elevator Pitch Workshops for early career researchers. Our PhD student Ornel took this [...]

2024-11-14T10:16:25+00:00February 14, 2024|
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