On November 20th-21st, 2023 the 9th Southeast Asia Collaborative Symposium on Energy Materials (SACSEM 9th) took place. This yearly conference is organized by UDE’s partner University of Tsukuba/Japan and was held at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in Indonesia (and online).
Among other CENIDE members our 2D-MATURE PhD student Dedi Sutarma as well as PI Prof. Christof Schulz gave talks. “It has been a pleasure coming back to my previous institute to present my work in 2D-MATURE project and attending many inspiring talks. With his contribution on “First principle calculation of WS2/ZnO heterostructure for photovoltaic application”, in which he showed the defect role to the optolelectronic properties of the 2D material Dedi Sutarma won the best presentation award.