We will of course be continuing our seminar series in the new year. To begin with, we planned to give two of our PIs, who joined the project after the application phase, the opportunity to present their research in detail.

Thus, on January 25th, 2024 Professor William Wong gave a talk on “Process integration of MoS2 thin-film transistors for large-area electronics”. William S. Wong is Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Director of the Giga-to-Nanoelectronics Center at the University of Waterloo. His research is focused on electronic and optoelectronic materials and devices for large-area systems.

In his talk Professor Wong presented two approaches to adress the challenges of integrating TMDC layers over large areas and overcoming the intrinsic limitations that transfer methods have in areal coverage, while direct deposition processes are still emerging. First, he referred to a methodology, in which few-layer structures (~ 3 monolayers) are fabricated using a layer transfer and dry etching process to thin multilayser (~ 60-90 nm thick) molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) structures. Second, he conducted investigations in which hybrid organic/inorganic semicondutor inks were explored.

We are proud to have him in our team. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge, William Wong.

More information can be found here.