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New Nanoscale Advances Publication
Sleziona, S., Pelella, A., Faella, E., Kharsah, O., Skopinski, L., Maas, A., Liebsch, Y., Schmeink, J., di Bartolomeo, A. and Schleberger, M., 2023. Manipulation of the electrical and memory properties [...]
New ACS NANO Publication
2D materials under pressure They are extremely thin, often only one atomic layer thick, which is why they are called “two-dimensional”: These new materials have unusual properties that make [...]
2D-MATURE Seminar #5
Professor Miguel Marques has been the fifth speaker in the seminar series. He is a new professor at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, where he holds the newly established chair “Artificial Intelligence for [...]
New Applied Physics Letter Publication
Schaumburg, F., Sleziona, S., Zöllner, M. Dergianlis, V., Schleberger, M., Geller, M. Lorke, A. and Prinz. G., 2023. Enhanced intensity of Raman signals from hexagonal boron nitride films, Applied Physics [...]
2D-MATURE Seminar #4
In August the 2D-MATURE team in Waterloo welcomed Dominik P.J. Barz from Queen’s University. He has academic and professional experience in areas encompassing various subjects. He started his career working [...]
Summer School #1 | Hands On Training
Wow, we are still amazed by this motivation and drive of the 2D-MATURE team. Within two weeks our PhD and MASc students put their research into action. Beforehand all [...]