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New Nanoscale Advances Publication

October 25, 2023|

Sleziona, S., Pelella, A., Faella, E., Kharsah, O., Skopinski, L., Maas, A., Liebsch, Y., Schmeink, J., di Bartolomeo, A. and Schleberger, M., 2023. Manipulation of the electrical and memory properties [...]

New ACS NANO Publication

October 6, 2023|

2D materials under pressure They are extremely thin, often only one atomic layer thick, which is why they are called “two-dimensional”: These new materials have unusual properties that make [...]

2D-MATURE Seminar #5

September 29, 2023|

Professor Miguel Marques has been the fifth speaker in the seminar series. He is a new professor at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, where he holds the newly established chair “Artificial Intelligence for [...]

New Applied Physics Letter Publication

August 17, 2023|

Schaumburg, F., Sleziona, S., Zöllner, M. Dergianlis, V., Schleberger, M., Geller, M. Lorke, A. and Prinz. G., 2023. Enhanced intensity of Raman signals from hexagonal boron nitride films, Applied Physics [...]

2D-MATURE Seminar #4

August 11, 2023|

In August the 2D-MATURE team in Waterloo welcomed Dominik P.J. Barz from Queen’s University. He has academic and professional experience in areas encompassing various subjects. He started his career working [...]

Summer School #1 | Hands On Training

July 7, 2023|

Wow, we are still amazed by this motivation and drive of the 2D-MATURE team. Within two weeks our PhD and MASc students put their research into action. Beforehand all [...]

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